Phurden Lepcha
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Lingee Government Senior Secondary School celebrated Teachers' Day with great enthusiasm and heartfelt tributes to the educators who shape the future of the nation. The event was a grand success, filled with various cultural performances and heartfelt expressions of gratitude.

The program commenced with a warm welcome speech delivered by Sanchita Limboo, setting the tone for the day's festivities and acknowledging the significance of teachers in our lives. The event was graced by the presence of the school Principal, Prahlad Sharma, who inaugurated the ceremony by lighting the traditional butter lamp in front of a portrait of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, whose honor Teachers' Day is celebrated.

The students of Lingee Govt. Sr. Sec. School showcased their talents through a series of cultural performances. These included mesmerizing dances, melodious songs, and a captivating poem recitation, which added vibrancy to the celebration. The teachers also actively participated in the festivities. They presented songs, dances, and a poem recitation, demonstrating their artistic abilities. A special highlight was a group dance performance by Principal Prahlad Sharma and his team, which was met with enthusiastic applause.

Principal Sir Prahlad Sharma addressed the students, shedding light on the importance of Teachers' Day. He emphasized the pivotal role teachers play in shaping young minds and encouraged students to respect and cherish their educators. Principal Sharma also commended the school prefect, Yangdup Lepcha, and the organizing team for their efforts in arranging such a memorable program.

During the program, Principal Sir also awarded tokens of honor to the following teachers for their meritorious service to the development of the school. The esteemed recipients included Sir Penchung Bhutia, Sir Suman Koirala, Sir Prakash Koirala, and Sir BK Limboo. Their dedication and commitment to the school's growth in different areas were recognized and celebrated.

The event concluded with a heartfelt vote of thanks delivered by Vice-Prefect Aruna Karki. She expressed gratitude to everyone who made the celebration possible, including the teachers, students, and student body.

To further express their appreciation, the student body prepared a delectable spread of food for the teachers, fostering a sense of excellent teamwork and gratitude among all present. Throughout the program, the proceedings were skillfully anchored by Rachana Sharma, who kept the audience engaged and informed.

The Teachers' Day celebration at Lingee Govt. Sr. Sec. The school was a resounding success, reflecting the school's commitment to honoring and acknowledging the invaluable contributions of its teachers. It was a day filled with cultural richness, heartfelt expressions, and memorable moments that will be cherished by all for years to come.

#happyteachersday2023 #lingeesss

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